However, this can vary slightly depending on placement and ambient conditions. Olivia and Emory can still be pretty catty with each other even if we have Feliway diffusers going. 04 $25.80 $25.80. This seemed to work as his space is a smaller bedroom. It works continuously, providing constant comfort for your cat ; Clinically proven, veterinary used and recommended; Buy now. Les recharges Feliway durent moyenne 4 semaines. The products mimic the natural feline pheromones that have a calming effect and help relieve anxiety. Their two most famous products are the Feliway Spray and Feliway Diffuser. Feliway Spray : permet de cibler des zones précises comme les petites pièces, les meubles, les tapis, les rideaux ou les cages, notamment pour éviter le marquage urinaire de votre chat. Depending on how long the signs of stress have been present and their severity, it may take longer to see the effects so it is recommended to use the diffuser for at least 1 month. The dog won't be allowed upstairs where the cats' beds are so they will have space to get away from the dog if they need to. A lot of cat owners will start to see results within the first 7 days. Le critère de choix dépend de l'origine du stress : Résolution urgente des problèmes de stress, FELIWAY - Spray anti-stress 60ml - Chat - Céva, FELIWAY - Recharge 50ml pour diffuseur anti-stress - Chat - Céva, FELIWAY - Diffuseur anti-stress 50ml - Chat - Céva, Le stress chez les chats : causes et conséquences. Feliway Spray helps in keeping the cat calm during the ride and the visit. FELIWAY Classic Diffuser is an excellent solution to comfort cats at home and avoid signs such as urine spraying, scratching or hiding.. EauRouge Thu 05-Sep-13 09:02:37. It doesn't contain any drugs, so it won't adversely affect your cat. 49.73 $ 49. FELIWAY crée un environnement sécurisant pour votre chat. Le produit FELIWAY est un produit à base de phéromones qui reproduit certaines propriétés apaisantes des phéromones faciales utilisés par les chats pour marquer leur territoire. Feliway Spray. The Feliway Spray can also help with the diffuser. Feliway MultiCat pheromone is a synthetic copy of the pheromone produced by a mother cat during lactation. Feliway reviews basically all Feliway products which are clinically proven solution for the reduction as well as elimination of a broad range of cat behavioral issues. The original Feliway contains a synthetic copy of a facial pheromone that cats use for marking their territory and comforting themselves. FELIWAY crée un environnement sécurisant. The Feliway Diffuser comes with a diffuser head and a refill that lasts up to 4 weeks. Javascript doit être activé dans votre navigateur pour utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités de ce site. In this comparison we found out that the Feliway for cats diffuser was comparable to the Thunderease. Griffades : Feliway Spray en application directe sur les zones griffées. Save more with Subscribe & Save. Féliway crée un environnement sécurisant et familier pour le chat. $17.04 $ 17. in conjunction with Feliway ® Diffuser to give added reassurance Behavioral and environmental modifications may be required and advice should be sought from your veterinary practice or behaviorist, particularly in multicat households. According to the product description, Feliway spray is ethanol-based and the Feliway diffuser is oil-based. For instance, if the problem is your cat’s anxiety, the presence of pheromones in a room will make it feel safe there. Both feliway vs comfort zone comfort zone and feliway are free from any harmful drugs or chemicals, which means using them will not have any adverse effects on their health or wellbeing. Marquage urinaire, griffades, stress dus à l'arrivée d'un bébé, d'un nouveau canapé ou d'un déménagement...? Le diffuseur Feliway fonctionne selon un système de recharge, une fois le premier flacon vidé. If you’re looking for a more flexible option than a diffuser, the Feliway Classic Spray is a smart choice. It’s important to understand the Feliway spray is alcohol-based. It can cover up to 700 square feet and should be plugged in continuously in the room where the cat spends the most time. See how to use. Feliway Diffuseur peut aussi aider en créant une atmosphère rassurante. I was so worried when I was moving my cats out … Le produit FELIWAY est un produit à base de phéromones qui reproduit certaines propriétés apaisantes des phéromones faciales utilisés par les chats pour marquer leur territoire. Here’s why you should consider going for a Feliway diffuser. Like you, I never came across a cat who reacted favourably to the Feliway diffuser. We're getting a dog soon and want to try to introduce the cats with not too much trouble. Marquage urinaire, griffades, stress dus à l'arrivée d'un bébé, d'un nouveau canapé ou d'un déménagement...? FREE Shipping by Amazon. When all three of them are in there now, they are a mellow, happy bunch. FELIWAY Diffuser comforts cats at home and reduces signs of stress such as urine spraying, scratching or hiding. To use, just spray the product to the area or furniture where the cat is scratching. Feliway Spray is the on-the-go version of Feliway Diffuser. If you have a large open area, you will need more than one and also if the cat(s) are in multiple rooms, you will need one for each room. It lasts up to a month and should be replaced every four weeks to maximize effectiveness. Qui sommes-nous 0821 03 00 06 contactez-nous. Que faire ou ne pas faire lors de promenades avec votre chat en laisse ? If you have the ideal tool, positive results will happen in no time. Feliway works well, but many people do not use enough of them to notice a difference. Hello, hope someone will be able to help me out. If nothing happens after the recommended time of usage, it would be best to visit a vet or cat behaviorist. Nurtures your relationship with your cat, by creating a loving environment at home. If we’re out of town and the cats are … Most cats do not like veterinary visits. The product you should use depends on the situation and in some situations it can even be beneficial to use both. As a result, they get scared and anxious having to ride the car or going to the vet. How to use the FELIWAY CLASSIC Diffuser and get the best effect from it. Apply the spray to the carrier 15 to 30 minutes before the trip. Depending on the size of your house, you may need a couple of diffusers on each floor, if you want your entire home covered. Feliway provides many cat-calming products. Feliway Diffuseur peut aussi aider en créant une atmosphère rassurante.Présence de plusieurs chats à la maison : Feliway Diffuseur doit être utilisé pour réduire le niveau général de stress. Therefore, it’s imperative that you not let your cat … Nurtures your relationship with your cat, by creating a loving environment at home. Comment organiser le territoire de votre chat d'appartement ? This is particularly effective on small animals who don’t like having things sprayed directly at them, or to use around the head area. The Feliway Diffuser can help minimize their anxiety. 4.6 out of 5 stars 5. Both are safe for use in the home and may be used around animals, children, plants, antiques, and just about anything else you might have. The sprays and diffusers are almost vague and 'abstract', while the collar directly impacts the cat wearing it, without weird side affects like medication. 2) We tried multi diffusers in other areas of the house. In addition to the original Feliway products, made by Ceva, the company who originated the product and conducted all the studies, you’ll also find products labeled Comfort Zone with Feliway. What we found about feliway diffusers vs the spray: 1) The diffuser worked well for "his room" (the room with his litter box. ) Feliway Spray is the on-the-go version of Feliway Diffuser. Feliway products do work very well in many cases. Use it continuously for at least a month. However, the spray can be used to good effect when cats are scratching furniture, but only when the scatching is stress-induced. (7 Posts) Add message | Report. - Feliway ® Spray can be used on your cat’s bedding, new furniture, prominent objects etc. It covers up to 700 square feet and should be plugged continuously in an area where your cat spends most of her time. Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 23. Feliway spray should be sprayed 8 pumps in the targeted area twice a day. As a result, Feliway can help getting rid of unpleasant behaviors cats show when they are stressed such as spraying, excessive scratching, urinating outside the litter box and many more. Comment apprendre à votre chat à marcher en laisse . Diffuseur Feliway. But considering that every cat is unique, you may need more time to see the change. Marquage urinaire, griffades, stress dus à l'arrivée d'un bébé, d'un nouveau canapé ou d'un déménagement...? Using a diffuser is the best option if you need Feliway for a purpose that’s not specific to a certain area. A good way to use Pet Remedy is to spray a bit onto your hands and then wipe over the pet. Plug it in at least 24 hours prior to the event and continue to use at least 1 week after the event. It is usually used in specific areas where a stressed cat is scratching or marking. Feliway Spray peut être utilisé en complément dans des zones spécifiques (les endroits stratégiques comme les zones de passage, les zones de couchage, les zones d'alimentation....)Résolution urgente des problèmes de stress : Feliway® Diffuseur est particulièrement recommandé pour ces problèmesModifications d'environnement (nouvelle maison, nouveau meuble, arrivée d'un bébé...) : Feliway Diffuseur est particulièrement recommandé pour ces problèmes. Feliway website: your new here SUBSCRIBE! It can be used around the house, too, but only works up to four to five hours so it is recommended to reapply regularly. Pour toute question sur l'état de santé de votre animal, consulter votre vétérinaire. It made him ok when our other two cats were allowed in to visit. Otherwise, it would be too faint to detect, thereby having little to no effect. They can get stressed with fireworks, thunderstorms and parties being held in the house they are living in. Feliway Classic Diffuser reduces scratching and spraying and results can be seen in as early as seven days. 73. Easy to use. I use both the Feliway diffuser as well as the Comfort Zone spray in areas where an outlet is not available. Feliway diffuser or spray? Une fois diffusées dans son environnement, les phéromones synthétiques faciales de chat contenues dans le FELIWAY lui permettent de se sentir chez lui et en sécurité. They are effective in calming cats because of the pheromones they are mimicking. If you opt for a Feliway diffuser, it should be effective over an area of around 230 square feet. The fact that 'it can't hurt' is not true, unfortunately. This spray version is also best for travel use, such as in carriers when taking the car to the vet. That being said, I do see a correlation with an increase in aggressive behavior when Feliway diffuser bottles run empty. Benefits of a Diffuser . Présence de plusieurs chats à la maison : Feliway Diffuseur doit être utilisé pour réduire le niveau général de stress. The best way to figure out which Feliway product you can use for your cat is to identify the stressor. Le Feliway Spray est un traitement médical il vous faut donc consulter un vétérinaire pour la durée du traitement. You can also use the Feliway Spray, as a supplement, to an area where the cat spends the most time, at least twice a day. Itcan also be used as an additional support to the diffuser. The ideal product to keep the cat calm is the Feliway Diffuser. 4.5 out of 5 stars 5,336. The difference was the ease of use. Zenifel du Laboratoire VS Feliway Classic du laboratoire CEVA Que contiennent Zenifel et Feliway Classic ? It is available in both diffusers and sprays. Il suffit de brancher le diffuseur FELIWAY CLASSIC® dans une prise murale ; son action couvre une surface de 50 à 70 m² et reste active pendant 1 mois environ. Feliway, and I think there's another brand that also does the calming collar. If you are bringing a new cat into your home, the Feliway Diffuser can be used continuously for at least a month to make the cat feel safer into moving to its new home. It’s designed for spraying on surfaces your cat will interact with when they need some extra calming. The Comfort Zone line, available in diffusers and sprays, contains the same artificial pheromones and is less expensive than the original Feliway line. However, every cat is unique. In other words, the Feliway diffuser is just like the Thunderease except it costs less. Many users have found the products effective and they are even recommended by many vets. FELIWAY crée un environnement sécurisant pour votre chat. Just remember that you may need multiple diffusers. Féliway est utilisé pour rassurer les chats, lorsqu'ils doivent faire à une situation stressante, ou lors de modifications dans leur environnement. This Feliway “Do-It-Yourself” kit … Une solution nettoyante sans odeur pour traiter les zones souillées brancher feliway® diffuseur dans une pièce confinée en particulier la chambre à coucher est-ce que feliway spray peut être utilisé aussi. Apparemment, javascript est désactivé sur votre navigateur. These issues are like urination, soiling, anxiety or stress, pee checking, scratching, loss of longing and refusal to play and interface. Continuous effect, provides constant comfort for your cat. The Number of Diffusers in My Apartment. Comment choisir entre FELIWAY spray et FELIWAY diffuseur ? For instance, you can spray down a cat carrier before travel or use it in places where your cat is peeing or scratching the furniture. The best Feliway product for cats who are spraying their urine is Feliway Diffuser. Ce sont des signes qui sont laissés par les chats lorsqu’ils se sentent bien chez eux ou ailleurs. For the stressed cats who keep on scratching any surface, the Feliway Spray is the better solution to stop this behavior. Feliway Diffusers And Sprays Review Scroll Down To See The Product Reviews. Spray it also to the cloth to be kept near the cat. The other diffuser/sprays are too expensive when you can pick up a collar for $15/16 and it lasts for 4-5 weeks. Recharge pour diffuseur Feliway. Plug in the Feliway Diffuser at least 24 hours prior to the change and use continuously for at least 30 days. Itcan also be used as an additional support to the diffuser. Cats are sensitive to loud noises. We generally have three diffusers going at a time in our 1100 square foot apartment. This appeasing pheromone reassures kittens and helps them bond … This spray version is also best for travel use, such as in carriers when taking the car to the vet. In the past year I have had several cats in my (beahvioural) practice who reacted adversely to the diffuser. Deciding on which one of the diffusers comes down to you and is completely a personal choice. Feliway works with almost all cats, with a success rate of 90%. Lors de son adoption d’une arrivée sur un stress chez votre chien découvrez la solution adaptil composition des produits feliway® spray feliway® solution à nous je ne dis pas que. The Feliway diffuser covers a large area of 700 square feet in a room with enough circulation, although it might include a lower range in a practical situation. FELIWAY Spray & 30 Day Multicat Diffuser Plug-in Starter Kit. Les deux produits contiennent des phéromones de marquage de l’environnement. It is usually used in specific areas where a stressed cat is scratching or marking. Place it where the cat spends most time or where peeing is occurring. Féliway est disponible sous 2 formes : soit en spray, soit en diffuseur électriqueSPRAY OU DIFFUSEUR ?Le critère de choix dépend de l'origine du stress : Marquage urinaire : pour une efficacité renforcée, utilisez Feliway Diffuseur associé à Feliway Spray sur les zones marquées.Griffades : Feliway Spray en application directe sur les zones griffées. Ce produit imite les phéromones faciales de votre chat ce qui élimine son stress et lui évite de gratter verticalement par exemple. Why Feliway Diffuser Is Special. Feliway MultiCat pheromone is different than Feliway® products that have been sold for years. Both the plug-in diffuser and sprays are natural and pH neutral, meaning they can be used directly onto your pets’ coat, bedding and soft furnishings. Here are tips for choosiung between the Feliway Diffuser and Spray: Cats are prone to anxiety when there are changes to the environment such as the arrival of a new cat, remodeling of the house, moving to a new house and sometimes, even just moving furniture in the room. Feliway Classic Calming Diffuser Refill (1 Pack, 48 ml) | Reduce Problem, Scratching, Spraying, and Fighting | Constant Calm & Comfort At Home. Le Feliway Spray Anti-stress pour chat apaise votre chat en cas de nouvelles situations telles qu’un déménagement ou un voyage etc. Le stress chez les chats : les traitements. In aggressive behavior when Feliway diffuser at least 30 days et familier pour le chat deciding on one... Your new here SUBSCRIBE be replaced every four weeks to maximize effectiveness a synthetic of! Not specific to a month and should be plugged in continuously in an area where cat! Have been sold for years unique, you may need more time to see the.... 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