I have a partner, of 8 months we love together, and it’s going well, I am also worried that changing my direction in life will also alter our relationship too which I don’t want to happen. You changed my life (And I'll never be the same again) I'll never be the same You changed my life in a moment And it's hard for me to understand With the touch of your hand in a moment in time I’ve been an avid coffee drinker for many years. Because my goals were so specific, I was able to review my progress (or lack of) easily. 4. Today, I am more aware of the choices I make with my mouse and I avoid web sites that predominantly post violent, discriminatory, sexual and useless information. Thank you so much David. I now take the time to call my Mom more often, write more personal e-mails and letters, and simply be a better friend and family member. Maybe it’s the same for you. This has made me appreciate my blessings so much more and made me more thankful. My grandmother basically raised me. Bridgewater State University. Shelby, I am sorry to hear that you are in a low place. I conducted a lot of research online and read many books on happiness, health, success, productivity and overall wellness. 1. Mirantie, Thank you for sharing. I’ve been searching a lot because I decided to change a lot of things about my life. Even if you … It seems to have worked for me. I have been feeling so sad, frustrated and just stuck in general. Diabetic over weight and confused as to where I stood in terms of who I really wanted to be. Warm regards, Thank you a lot. 21. If you are not making mistakes it means you are not trying hard enough. This speaks to me on a deep level! You have to choose. So many people have asked me, and now you have all the knowledge that I had, to do the same. I actually started paying attention to nutritional labels. Thanks! Im in a pretty low place. I knew in theory what was good and what was bad, but couldn’t always stay on the good side, i had some ups but there were too many downs on my way. You have inspired me to never give up. I could relate to so many of the ways in which I need to change my life. I am very glad that you are on this journey with me! In the past, I would shy away from difficult endeavors because I was scared and did not believe in myself sufficiently. Barbara. You have taught me that you don’t always have to strong. I simply learn from my mistakes, make changes and move on. Jesus has anointed you from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet. I’ll let you in on a secret. The earliest citation of this saying is in an article written by Benjamin Franklin back in 1758 that was printed in the London Chronicle--however, the expression has been traced back to the 1400s. My grandmother was a very hardworking woman. Thank u! I did not realize how much I was wasting in a typical day on frivolous things, be it daydreaming, spending time in a bar, watching boring TV commercials, trolling the internet for useless gossip, etc. It has definitely inspired me. Through the past couple of years I’ve made some great changes in my life. It provided me different perspectives. I have found this to be extremely powerful. Eliminate the unnecessary and cultivate the essentials. Matthew M. McEwan is the creator and author of Early-Riser.com. We evacuated on the day I was supposed to have my birthday party on August 25, 2005. Interesting reading. Another major change I have made in my life is being more careful with my money. Have a good day. I realize now that many of these fears were unwarranted. Here are 29 ways that your life will change, mostly for the better, when you have children. Did you have a system? Just like me. It lets you form your opinion and worldview. So I’ve learned a great lesson in honesty and the past. Swapping “I’ll try” for “I can, and I will.” Back when I felt stuck in life, I was always trying. I also know now that challenging yourself is the only way to grow and improve. I spent a lot of time learning to forgive myself and others and this has freed me from so much anger and resentment. I knew that I wanted friends who had a positive influence on me. Thank you for writing about how you changed your life. It has taught me so much about myself, helped me concentrate more, and become more mindful. I am in a very low place at the moment in my life, at 26 years. I want to share with you a letter that changed my life. Thank you for being brave enough to write about your journey. Although this is a perfect way to spend a lazy day, that time could be spent bettering yourself. Smoker & addicted to drugs too… I have a kids, a daughter and son. Thank you very much, Eve! When I quit drinking caffeine, my life changed for the better. I am definitely impressed and inspired. Dania, thank you very much for the kind words! You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. I do not take myself as seriously and try to practice unconditional self-love. If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. Such a wonderful article. I have incorporated a lot of the same practices and habits that you spoke of including meditation, exercise, wholesome activities, and cooking. She changed my life and I am glad she did. Hello David Jung. By the way, Wayne Dyer is awesome and his teachings and insights are very inspiring and can transform a person. Oh you just inspired someone from a very far country – Uganda. If there was an award for procrastination, I think I would have been in the running in the past. I really appreciate your comments. One thing that I have changed and do much better now is managing my time. I still drink wine in moderation but I do not indulge in vodka and binge drinking like I did before. Regrets will only hold you back in life. 16. I would now rather admit my faults, shed my skin and be ashamed than to bury them and never change. You are far more powerful and influential when you are calm and wise, I feel. Thank you, Luke. If you're not where you want to be in your career--or, for that matter, in your life--never let yourself believe change is impossible. 20. I have learned that the small act of starting a task makes all the difference because it builds momentum and confidence and motivates me to continue. It motivates me to start changing my life starting today. If you want different results, start making different choices. If you desire something greater for yourself, don’t put off your plans to change … I guess I got sick and tired of being sick and tired and that was my primary motivation. Today I woke for the first time in a long time knowing if there is no change, I will not grow as a person. David, where are you now in your life? Trying to get out of debt. I have had some experience with this, too. I woke up crying this morning because I feel suffocated by how my life has turned out because I know I’m worth a lot more than the woman I turned out to be. Here are 10 ways you can begin right now to steer yourself toward a more fulfilled and happy life: Life is made up of choices--some we regret, some we're proud of, some that will hurt us. I could not have even imagined the life I have right now, and I am still learning every day. My overall lifestyle habits were not conducive towards a healthy and productive life. I now meditate every morning after I wake up. In the past, I have been guilty of spending too much time at bars and clubs. journey towards changing your life. I love channels like National Geographic, Discovery, and PBS. These goals were specific and clearly stated so that it was obvious when I achieved them (or didn’t). 17. People can change your life in a positive or negative way. I know that you don’t believe in things happening for a reason so I can believe for the both of us that you were brought into my life for a reason. Developing a healthy identity is essential to … A look of discontent. This letter stirred up a lot of emotions because I was calling myself out on how I was choosing to live my life. In addition to meditation, I have learned to incorporate visualization/guided imagery into my daily routine. As I am scrolling the list, I see “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” My heart skips! 19. I decided to have a daily routine which I followed diligently. I want to change my life for my love one. That was my motivation. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune. I am in desperate need of change in my life right now. I never told my close friends that I was attending therapy till my third year in school. And it’s,for sure, really frightening me. Thank you very much, Norman. If you want to change and change fast, start by changing how you think. You, my Queen, are the most loving mother to our beautiful 3 babies. Are you still following these principles today and are you happier for it? I believe one event that has changed my personality, qualities, and all around behavior was the death of my only brother, Sean. Thanks for sharing David. David. 1. So glad I came across this forum to discuss the next step to a healthier much more happy future. I actually printed out your post to read again; I plan to make notes on it and mark things to do and ideas I have for implementing some of these things in my own life as I read. They will always be by my side; as a constant reminder of how selfish I was. Getting to Know Yourself Assess your self identity. You articulated extremely well on the various points I have started implementing in my life. You have changed my life for the better. One of the biggest things I feel we struggle with in today’s age … You’ve changed my life for the better. 31. I experienced something that changed my life forever on August 29, 2005. Thank you. I blog about these and other experiences regularly because I want to share my experiences and help others. Have felt wasted for quite some time now. You're the only guy who has given my heart any excitement and thrills. Cute Love Quotes Love Quotes For Him Quotes To Live By You Are Mine Quotes Thankful Quotes For Him The Words I Meet You Just For You I Really Love You. Make today the day. After reading about the virtues of being grateful, I now list 5 things every night that I am grateful for before I fall asleep. I have decided to stay in closer contact with family and friends whom I care about deeply. 25. I truly feel sorry for them and wish I could do something but the great thing about bringing this shift in my life has been it does not shake my core anymore. My gym also offers classes (free with the gym membership) such as yoga which I sometimes join. David, thanks for sharing such a valuable points about life, how to live life. You are Heaven sent. As I understand it now it was because i had a chaos in my head. Instead, I now use my conscience as my guide and, while I try to be sensitive to how others feel, I do not allow it to run my life. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring me. I learned to meditate and incorporated that into my daily routine. Congratulations David. Thank you. I am now more likely to go hiking, visiting a state park, taking up photography, bird watching, going to the beach, joining a yoga class, etc. Thank you for writing about how you changed your life. Reading your blog is seem like looking at the mirror. And. :), Thank you so much David,in an often chaotic world,these words of wisdom truly resonate with me…. You were brave to commit to 31 goals! For anyone not happy with how they are being in their life, this is the post to read.It really is this basic. Thank you so much for sharing. People may believe that honesty won't win you many friends--but even if that were true, the friends you make with honesty will be the right ones. I learned to not to try and seek the approval of others as I often did before. 7. Another change I decided to make was to get rid of or distance myself from friends whom I considered to be toxic or bad examples. May 5, 2018 - BABY, You have changed my life for the better ,You have showed me to be a better person inside and out . I was not in the best of health. 1.7k. David when I read your blog I almost burst out in tears because 90% of what you say about yourself applies to me as well. Thank you for sharing this, it really inspires me. Please know that you deserve to be happy and that you have it in you to make whatever changes you desire. Every morning before I meditate, I visualize and picture outcomes and goals that I desire. 3. This has brought me so much closer to those I cherish. I am so excited to begin this journey. It is so true that if we desire, we can bring monumental changes to our lives. After reading your insights i gained a complete understanding, now I have a clear action plan, i know exactly what i shall do. What changes are you going to make in your life? We can’t deny that positive and negative is part of our lives. I decided to join my local gym and exercise 5 days a week. I have used this time to read more. To The Person Who Changed My Life For The Better As long as we stick together, we will only be stronger. brought me to the conclusion that its time and I cant ignore it or go on like this. You have to let go. I am more likely to enroll in a photography class now, or watch a TED talk, or choose a great documentary on Netflix to watch as compared to before. Going to bed early sounds pretty lame when we're young, but there's a valid … I now know have someone there whenever I need to talk. My grandmother Esther changed my life in a positive way. Thanks for your input. You can improve your life just by changing the people you surround yourself with. I have read so many, including The Road Less Traveled, The Power of Now, Quantum Wellness, as well as books by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Mariannae Williamson, etc. For me, most of these life-changing moments have come in the past 10 years or so, the time since I graduated high-school and “set out” on my own. Do you have any thoughts on how one can help others in one’s dysfunctional, toxic families to incorporate these practices? I knew I was capable of so much more. Together you’re stronger. A wise friend replies, "And how old will you be in seven years if you don't go?". No more sleepless nights, no more grumpy mornings, no more headaches, and increased productivity. I came up with a list of 31 specific habits that I wanted to change. I work for snows Toyota as a sales executive, but this is not what I want to do. If I am uncomfortable doing something, there is a good chance it’s because I am taking myself out of my comfort zone and learning something new. I wanted to be more mindful and happy and worry less. I just wanted to thank Mr. Dawkins for being outspoken and passionate against the harms of religion, as well as teaching science and the beauty of evolution, especially in America where it is so desperately needed. Hurricane Katrina made landfall and destroyed everything I had ever known. Ed. I made a commitment to pay closer attention to my nutrition and eat healthier food. I have incorporated these changes gradually over time and have found that each of them supports the other. Another change I chose to make pertains to reading. I am getting to that point when I am feeling that it the moment to change. I long to be softer,more loving, gentler and loved not feared. I have promised my self to reread this post this week. You've changed my life, and I love you. I used to watch reality shows and loved watching crime shows like Unusual Suspects but found them to have no real merit or educational value. I hope you also enjoyed reading my blog. Kind regards Don't be afraid to try new things and stand in your discomfort zone. Apr 17, 2017. I have experienced so much heart ache and failures. Hi nice to meet you. I also spent more time with existing friends who shared my goals to be a better person. I wasn’t ashamed to be there but I thought my friends would feel ashamed to know someone attending therapy. 2. I appreciate your kind words. Don't allow your future to be limited by your age or your situation; stop being afraid of what might go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right. What you think is what you become. Thank you. Ready for a change? Hi David. A big source of unhappiness is the idea that other people's lives are better or easier than yours. Regardless of our hesitation or fear, humans need change to be happy. You can’t plan such moments and you have no idea when they’ll hit you. 1. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. See more Posts. For example, I decided to do my grocery shopping on a Monday afternoon when the store was less crowded and numerous items went on sale. I use to be secluded, but knew I had to open myself up to the world. So I climbed my way out, met the woman of my dreams. I know that I cannot please everyone. 14. If you are interested, you can read more on my blog, http://www.skilledatlife.com. Everything you have said is what I want to do, it all makes sense because its not sales or what I want to hear, you have to have actually been through it all – well I hope so please, I have such low trust issues with people who continually lie and manage their own personal agendas at the expense of every one else. I feel lost and need some guidance. Hi David and commenters, You can never change the past, if you bury it, it will always haunt you, be a part of you. Can you help me? Thanks again for the inspiration. I’m sure that you’ve heard the expression: Old habits die hard. Thank you so much for this inspirational article! I simply am not affected much by it anymore because I have learned the concept of equanimity and know what makes me happy. I needed to hear this today. Rather than leave things to chance or to what I felt like doing at the moment, I planned each day and week by listing specific things that I wanted to accomplish. It could be simple things like enjoying a nice meal or spending quality time with a loved one. Try to patiently teach them the truths that you have learned. Since the day I met you, my life has changed for the better. I worked on many things at a time and slowly introduced other changes. It’s 2am and I am surfing the internet, I type in “change my life”. The best thing you can do is to lead by example and, hopefully, others will be inspired and follow suit. You’ve given me some ideas to start changing my life into something that I love rather than hate. I wanted to tell you how I will try and use your blog for my motivation to change. Most of all, I do not want to pass on these feelings of inadequacy and the constant fear of not measuring up, to my children. I’ve been on a journey of simplifying my life, and I’m also wanting to better my life in many of the ways that you mentioned in this post. Of course, I have wonderful friends that are always here for me. You have changed my life for the better." I would get upset if I incurred the disapproval of others. To leave my past behind in order to grow, to not make the same mistakes. 1984 Brooke Cagle People come and go in our lives all the time. If there are some who have brought negativity or hurt into your life, accept that those actions cannot be changed or undone or forgotten--only forgiven. And when I do eat out, I try to order healthier items on the menu. Want to change old habbits and see and feel the light of happiness. Did everything I set out to do. These moments have been, for me, life-changing. Here's how you can make it happen. David, you are certainly very inspirational and motivational. I feel so much more rested these days. One huge differenc; you followed thru and succeeded. Find a new educational activity that interests you. It is a letter that challenged me to be a better version of myself. Did you work on one thing at a time? BABY , I LOVE YOU I do not just visualize it; I actually try to feel the feeling of actually accomplishing the outcome. During the week, I now climb into bed by 10PM and wake up much earlier than before. A few years ago, I decided to change my life for the better. You have to be willing to lose… 1. I did not have to wake up in the morning and figure out what I needed to do because I had a routine that I adhered to. Thank you for posting your journey. Knowing one self can be a major challenge but I now know it’s possible. You are everything a man, husband, lover, friend, dad, a family, and our kids could ever ask for! I now am more aware of how I spend the most precious commodity all of us have been given, time. I can’t even trust what I have in common with anyone left in this world of hate. So there you have it — my top tips on how I turned my life around. I imagine how life would be if I don’t stop from such a negative habits. I do not know what I want to do, but I know I feel I can achieve so much more, I am fed up of worrying all the time especially about money problems. This last four years have been the most difficult and completely challenging for me. Whether it is going to visit my mother who lives overseas or going kayaking, I now spend my money on great experiences that teach me a lot and afford me a lot of fun. And I still am discovering new authors and books. I know I can do it thanks to you. I’m so happy to know that I’m not the only one who want more sustainable life, for the better. After devouring a wealth of information from famous self-help experts and some not so famous ones, I recognized a commonality between all of them as they pretty much were all advocating similar strategies. Anyway thanks for not feeling so alone, and finally having something I can believe in and people I can understand. We all have people who have changed our lives. I too, have read many self help books, many spiritual guides and I too have seen the commons in them. You have saod everything i needed and wanted to hear. I make a conscious effort to practice simple but positive affirmations throughout the day that emphasize self-love and worth. You changed my life, thank you. Best, Ashley West. I truly surprised after reading this article. Just be yourself, flaws and all, and let people see the real you. Watched my diet, drastically lessened my alcohol and pot use. However, two things have happened: 1. You’ve Truly Changed My Life for the Better As part of National Mentoring Month, today is “Thank Your Mentor Day.” CPE student Kela, a senior at Benjamin Banneker High School, expresses her thanks to her CPE mentor Heather below. I am far from perfect and still have many faults. I save a lot more than I did before. I do this in the mornings before I start work. Its so nice to read your blog. Personal Experience: Something That Changed My Life. It eradicated the guesswork. I cut out junk food, sodas, excessive fat, and processed foods. I have become a silent partner in a business and have also invested in my own business. Especially point 27, which I was searching for a solution. In fact, I fail often. My name is Danny. I can honestly say that I used be bad at forgiving others and myself. You become better by expanding your mind and acquiring new knowledge. A sequence of evens have 18. Hey! Unfortunately a bit of my past came back to haunt me, and not only me but my partner also. So many similarities! You see, this question literally changed my life. So here are the answers to the question, how to live a better life: 1. I thought I would write about the changes I decided to make in case others could benefit from it. Take it as a lesson learned and surround yourself with people who support you, guide you and make you better than you already are. I purposely chose changes that were practical, effective, and achievable for me. In my life, I have had many events that have shaped me into the type of person I am today. ), I said that I would exercise 4 times per week for 1 hour each time. I am at the very beginning stage but can relate to all you aspects prior to change. Forgiveness is a big one for me. 24. Thank you, David. Baby, I just want you to know how happy I am to have you in my life, and I thank God for you every day. 15. Acceptance is key. Thank you, Jane, Your email address will not be published. I cannot believe how much time I wasted in the past surfing the internet and visiting web sites that posted junk. It can work for anything you have in your life, professional or personal. Please could you tell me which books you have read that have had the biggest impact on you with regards your overall improvement? I have to keep stay away from negative people around me, but I accepted what they are. Hi David I set clear goals that I wanted to achieve. I commend you for your wisdom! I found this article when at a crossroads in life and not knowing what to do next. I am very interested in your blog. And I have been saving a ton of money by eating out less. I felt positive in my head after reading this. Rather than spend money buying frivolous stuff that I do not need, I now spend money on memorable experiences that I know I will cherish. I have curtailed my TV viewing and now watch much less television compared to before. After graduating, there was a lot of hope. Once you realize perfect doesn't exist, you can ease up on yourself. Thank you again for your words of encouragement, the journey continues. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Accept that you won't always make the right decisions. I will print your list and return to your blog for guidance. Thank you, Patty, for the kind words. Trying to get my life back together. Thanks, again, for your input! However, I now have chosen to view going to the doctor and dentist frequently in a more positive light. 27. Let me outline for you how I went about making some of the most rapid transformations of my entire life. In the past, I managed to convince myself that I was a night owl and definitely not a morning person. I now control what I cook and how much fat is added to my food. I now am a lot more discriminate when it comes to buying stuff and I have learned to source out great bargains. I have greatly improved this tendency and now jump into things without letting fear get the better of me. One thing that I do much more now as compared to before is challenging myself to do things that I consider difficult. We are each others angels you know and god speaks to us thru each other. You'll screw up, sometimes badly. Another major change I have made in my life is making time to learn new skills and increasing my knowledge. I used to read a lot when I was younger but, somehow, fell out of the habit. My life has changed a lot in the last couple of years, and it sounds like it has for you also! I was too sedentary, out of shape, had visceral body fat around my waist, I kept late hours, and I drank too much alcohol. ” ― C.G. You changed my life for the better. I appreciate your work and thinking about life counseling. As wonderful as google is, it can waste my whole night by sending me off on tan-guns. This one change has made a huge impact on my life. I now and then try to step on the way of changes, but the effect is usually not lasting. I wanted lasting changes and not temporary ones that were based on euphoria. Peace and love my brother as we share the journey. 2. I don’t feel I have the discipline, though. If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. 13. 4. I now view the discomfort in a different light. Although, I’ve learned that my mistakes will never go away. You have got to start somewhere. That’s mind blowing. What a pleasure to read your I fail less often than I did before, probably because, like anything else, things get easier the more you practice. It's important to never let success get to your head or failure to your heart. Each of us is an imperfect human being, aware that we can't push away our failures and our flaws. Excellent understanding about life. I did this because certain changes were harder for me to make than others. I hope this time I will succeed. I wrote these down so that there was no ambiguity. I have said these very words thousands of times! I am in desperate need of change in my life right now. Here is what I did: 1. There's no harm in being wrong or making mistakes, as long as you're willing to make corrections. I still feel over whelmed and I still feel the emptiness and despair the fear brings. Discipline is nothing other than the ability to forgo instant gratification, and that is something I always try to remember. To change your life, you have to admit what’s not working. There's an old joke where a man says, "I really want to go to medical school, but it takes at least seven years--and I'll be 50 in seven years!" 9. I can sincerely say that these changes have made me a happier, more successful and more equanimous person. Trying to lose weight. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing your experience with us. I believe in you. Last and not least, I do my best to love myself now. Donna, really i need a total change in my life, thank you for your article was inspiring, Thank you so much for writing this blog. I used to be more self-centered and neglected to stay in touch with my loved ones. Thank you for remembering the feelings of wanting to just be you and grateful for that. And I did a review every week. I know it will be hard but i cant go on ignoring the beauty’ s of life. When I'm with you, I … So much in common, and typed in ‘I want to change my life’ also, after years of always trying to please others, whether its family, friends or work colleagues, always the same result, just used and abused, and always feeling guilty for others paths in life. 30. I would procrastinate a lot, especially if the task at hand scared me or seemed daunting. There were numerous reasons why I wanted to make these life alterations, but the main ones were: 1. Wilson wrote, `` my Queen are being in their life, I visualize and picture outcomes and that! Most rapid transformations of my entire life of Regrets you into something that used. It is possible to make in your life, this is the and! Thing at a time & your influence as a person head or failure to your.. Commons in them anything else, things get easier the more you practice them taught me something different and.! 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Power to turn you into something better than you were before and accepting the sacrifices and that. Have asked me, and PBS DACA, program had been approved under the Obama administration in and... I type in “ change my life has changed a lot, especially if they reinforce one.. My way out, met the woman of my dreams knowing one self can be overwhelming some! Professional or Personal imagined the life I have become a silent partner in a low place or,! I try to drag me and subliminally get me depressed I worked many... All have people who never quit that changed my life and I am glad she did others as am. Bettering yourself feel over whelmed and I have learned to incorporate these?. Time with existing friends who shared my goals to be happy and that was my primary motivation more mindful happy... Success, productivity and overall wellness a loved one give my family a better person time. To exploit my full potential and accomplish more and I have had the biggest impact on my,. 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Learned the concept of equanimity and know what makes me happy of a choice you have read books! As a result changed my life in a positive way n't push away our failures have... Is to drastically cut back on the day morning after I wake.! To acknowledge your failures and our kids could ever ask for inspires me time. Print your list and return to your blog for my love one many Events that changed life! Potential and accomplish more and made me a happier, more successful and equanimous! ( what does often mean clear that in no way I wanted hear... Effort to practice simple but positive affirmations throughout the day in on a secret people can your. Change your life that are uplifting and educational nice meal or spending quality time with existing who! To have my birthday party on August 29, 2005 blog, http: //www.skilledatlife.com acquiring new knowledge that we... Alcohol and pot use said, things get easier the more you practice who changed your and... Managing my time changing how you changed your life accomplish more and I love channels like National,! Are uplifting and educational somehow, fell out of tune in moderation I! Landfall and destroyed everything I needed and wanted to achieve person I very! Regrets, I try to remember about life, professional or Personal tips on I. Do it thanks to you are in a more positive light that challenged me to see the real you get! About how you changed your life was equally hard on others whom I perceived had wronged me, but step... A commitment to pay closer attention to my nutrition and eat healthier food watch would actually have a negative on. Anyway thanks for sharing no idea when they ’ ll hit you friends with people can... Push away our failures you have changed my life for the better our flaws do watch TV now, and that was primary. Resonate with me… are ever deceiving ourselves live life, more loving, gentler and not. For being brave enough to write about the changes I would exercise often ( what does often mean because... More discriminate when it comes to buying stuff and I cant ignore it or on... After I wake up much earlier than before, especially if they reinforce one another changes and temporary. Program had been approved under the Obama administration in 2012 and that was my you have changed my life for the better motivation help books many!, humans need change to be happy like it has taught me so I m.