In the same way, an adult dog and a puppy have different eating routines. An adult dog and a puppy do not have the same digestive system. That way you know what’s in it. It’s important to remove the rind and seeds first, as they can cause intestinal blockage, but watermelon flesh is otherwise safe for dogs. The answer is yes, with a couple of precautions. You can also have a patch test by feeding your puppy one spoon of watermelon in a day and see if it shows any negative reaction or any stomach issues. Make sure to start slowly and gradually when introducing watermelon to your pup’s diet. Now, it is up to you whether you want to leave it that way and completely eliminate watermelon from your puppy’s diet. Like many human foods, watermelon is not always safe for pets to eat. Before you feed your dog watermelon or any other human food, you should ask your veterinarian or nutritionist about how much you should feed your dog, if any, and how often. Nevertheless, here are a few pros and cons, which will help you decide if you want to feed your puppy watermelon. They must be bite size. According to the American Kennel Club, if dogs swallow watermelon seeds, the seeds can cause an intestinal blockage — which is not only painful for your dog but could become serious enough to require surgery to correct. Yes! Some benefits of feeding seeds to your pet dog are: Now that you know it, what are some seeds that you can give to your pet dog? If you have a large dog, you can double or triple up the serving size. Puppies that are under 6 months old should eat puppy food. The answer is yes, but as with everything, give your dog watermelon in moderation and be careful to follow important guidelines. The short answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon. Naturally, some fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs to eat, but are they really safe for puppies? What you should know. Indeed, you can’t actually replace a whole meal course with watermelon only, but the fruit can be a great brunch, desert or snack. Unfortunately, dogs and watermelon seeds don’t mix. You can not mix watermelon with basic food and dairy products. When it comes to the rind of the watermelon, dogs can nibble on that portion, but they should not eat the green skin, Lauten says, because they are unable to digest it. Since your puppy is getting the majority of the vitamins and minerals from its canned food, it suffices to say that one spoon of watermelon is enough for your puppy in one day. So, need any tips on how to be the new parent? Before feeding a puppy watermelon, just make sure that the pup is past its weaning period. Puppies can eat watermelon as a treat (a smaller part of their diet). And this upsets you because you know it’s safe for your puppy to have that spoon of fruit. You can grind or blend the seeds and keep them refrigerated as well for later use. Again, smaller dogs are more at risk. Just like adult dogs, you can give your puppies fruits and vegetables as long as you are following some rules, such as how much to give and at what time. Mixing fruits with kibble food is not the best idea. Just make sure you are feeding the right amount, and don’t try to overdo it because that will upset your puppy’s stomach. Jumping around, being hyperactive, and just being the light of your life is what I would best describe a puppy as, which is why you need to be very careful while raising a puppy. Watermelon will keep your puppy hydrated, which is perfect for summers, Contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Calcium, Also has magnesium in it, which helps to prevent diabetes, A growing puppy needs all the nutrients, many of these nutrients come from fruits such as watermelon, You will have to be very careful in removing seeds from watermelon as your puppy can’t eat those, Can’t feed your puppy water after giving it watermelon because that will over hydrate your puppy, Overfeeding can lead to diarrhea and other problems, Worst case scenario of overfeeding your puppy watermelon would be vomiting, stomach issues, and increased heartbeat, Make it a habit of feeding your puppy watermelon twice a week, Train your puppy to trust and like you. Some dogs get an upset stomach when they try a new food that they aren’t used to. Once you have the okay from your vet or nutritionist, make sure you remove any seeds or rind from the watermelon before giving it to your dog. It does not matter what breed is your puppy; feeding your puppy fruits is not harmful to it. Puppies need a lot of protein because of their life stage, Pick out food that is specifically designed to meet your puppy’s all needs and matches its breed, Set up a routine to train your puppy from an early age, They are big. All of the things I mentioned are not supposed to be eaten by our canines. We (so are vets) positive for Yorkies to be fed with watermelon once in a while. Why does my female cat stomach area hang so low? They will stop… Or, you can have a routine that will help your puppy to enjoy this fruit. Is it Safe? Watermelon can cause diarrhea in some dogs because of this, © 2020 FluffyPlanet,, Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Giving your pet dog seeds can be very beneficial. Yes, watermelon is a safe, natural and tasty treat for Fido. You have to feed your puppy 3 meals a day if it has started eating solid food, and is 3 to 6 months old. Dogtime is a property of TotallyHer Media, LLC, an Evolve Media, LLC company. Dogs who eat too much watermelon will probably get a tummy ache along with some diarrhea or other signs of gastrointestinal upset. No. Are British Shorthair Cats Hypoallergenic? Yes. Once removed, watermelon is a very safe fruit for your pet. Sweet products that contain watermelon or anything that is artificially watermelon flavored are probably not a good idea for dogs. Can you feed fully grown human food to a baby? If the dog begins to itch, sneeze, then exclude feeding watermelon at all. Feeding your puppy watermelon is not the problem. Can dogs eat watermelon? Watermelon is low in calories, low in sodium, fat free, and cholesterol free, which makes it a healthier choice than many store-bought treats. Even after all these steps, your puppy decides; if it doesn’t like watermelon, then just stop giving it to your puppy. Dogs can chew on anything – an old shoe, a new throw pillow or even watermelon rind! If you’re feeling extra creative, you can mix watermelon with other safe and healthy ingredients like blueberries to make a fruit salad or smoothie for your dog. Follow any safety tips your vet gives you for feeding your dog safely. You should be on the lookout for signs of intestinal blockage for at least 24 hours after your dog eats the rind or seeds. However, those health advantages can only be exploited when the fruit is provided in the right amount. Puppies under that age should be kept on a strict diet of puppy food to help with their growth and development. If your dog loves watermelon, try giving him some 2-3 times per week. Watermelon contains vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for your dog’s health. Cutting them up into small, chewable cubes is the simplest way to prepare watermelon for dogs and makes for a nice, easy treat. But is it safe for them to eat? To reduce the risk of seeds causing stomach trouble later in the day, play it safe and grab a seedless watermelon. Yes, both black and white watermelon seeds can be eaten by your dog. But it’s difficult to ensure your dog will chew the rind thoroughly before swallowing, and larger pieces can cause gastrointestinal blockage or upset. Stick to the seedless, fleshy part of the fruit when sharing it with your dog. Can dogs eat watermelon? The answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon, but only the fruit part! In fact, adult dogs are given seeds as treats, so why would a seed harm a puppy? Yes, whether fresh or frozen, watermelons are definitely a refreshing snack that most German Shepherds enjoy. Dogs need to eat … Watermelon is a safe fruit for dogs to eat – as long as you remove the seeds and rind. My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. Your puppy needs protein because it needs to build its muscles and joints. Though dogs may safely nibble at the light green insides of the fruit, this part of the watermelon is firm and difficult to chew. Have you ever fed your dog watermelon? How Often Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? This situation has the potential to turn deadly very quickly if you do … For puppies and senior dogs, it’s advised to remove all the seed and give you puppy the flesh of the watermelon. Does this mean accidentally consuming a watermelon seed can be very harmful to your puppy? Most first-time pet owners have no clue what fruits and vegetables are good for their dogs. Now, we can stop asking the question: “Is watermelon safe for dogs?” but move on to another one: “Can dogs have watermelon in a much more creative way?”. It’s perfectly fine to feed your Shih Tzu Watermelon but there a few things you need to be careful of. So, a few things you need to know about feeding your puppy and adult dog are written right below. Can dogs eat chia seeds? There is no harm in giving your puppy a small slice of watermelon, and it should be your choice completely. Being made of about 92 percent water, this fruit can be a good source of hydration and an especially refreshing treat on a hot day. What dogs can’t eat is the rind and seeds of a watermelon. Watermelon is not poisonous to dogs, in fact, the fruit is a health food powerhouse. Yorkies can eat watermelon, but with some precautions. I have talked about how you need to pick out the seeds of watermelon before giving it to your puppies. Although watermelon contains sugar, the fiber content in the fruit insulates the sugar and prevents it from being released into the bloodstream too quickly. Preparing Watermelon for Dogs. A few cubes are usually more than enough for a small dog. Watermelon Is The #1 Fruit Dogs Like To Eat You may have seen an adorable video recently of a cute, little French Bulldog who gobbles up watermelon while sitting inside of the enormous fruit. So, you tried introducing your puppy to eating watermelon, but it doesn’t seem to take a liking to it. Watermelon is full of beneficial nutrients that are healthy for dogs, including potassium and vitamins A, B6, and C. It’s also high in fiber, which is good for digestion. Since eating fresh flesh might make your dog get fed up, there are some other recipes you should know in order to make the fruit much tastier. The Correct Diet Is Important. This fruit has plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for your dog’s health, and they’re made of 92 percent water, so they can be especially refreshing on a hot day. The digestive system of a puppy is still maturing, whereas that of a dog is fully grown. So can German Shepherds eat watermelon? Moreover, your puppy needs the essential amino acids from proteins to get energy and to be healthy and playful. 3-4 meals a day is good enough for puppies, The main focus of a puppy’s food should be protein. So, according to WebMD, here are the nutrients that your puppy needs in one day. Many dogs have different dietary needs, and some have medical conditions that might make watermelon a bad choice. How much watermelon can a dog eat? Puppies get excited and want the same thing to eat that their owners are eating, Get your puppy a feeding routine and stick to it, Don’t give extra treats that can destroy the feeding routine you have laid out for your puppy, Bananas are rich in fiber. Do you have any recipes for watermelon dog treats? It is safe to say that watermelon is good for your puppy, but everything has its pros and cons. You can ask your veterinarian or nutritionist about the appropriate amount for your individual dog. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding all of your pets. One or two seeds might not make much of a difference, but many seeds can end up causing a blockage in the digestive tract. Is Watermelon Good for Dogs & Puppies to Have? It is rich in vitamins C, B-6 and A, and it also has a high amount of potassium. Yes, dogs can eat watermelon. While watermelon rind doesn’t contain anything hazardous to dogs, the texture and toughness of the rind is problematic. If your puppy is fine, then give it one spoon of watermelon twice a week as that would be enough. This organic product has a lot of nutrients and supplements that are helpful for your dog’s wellbeing, and they can be particularly reviving on a hot day. Ye, you can give watermelon to puppies. The rind can cause gastrointestinal trouble, and the seeds could lead to an intestinal blockage. You can’t even feed both dogs the same amount of food or even the same type of food. You will also have to monitor how much watermelon you are feeding to your puppy and see if that causes any issues. There’s nothing harmful in puppy eating watermelon, however, they should be old enough to digest solid foods. The problem is not knowing how much to feed? Otherwise, I’d recommend you to feed your puppy fruit with a spoon. So, you can’t feed your puppy every fruit because some fruits, such as citrus fruits, can cause an upset stomach because of the high-level sugars they possess. So, what steps can you take to ensure that your puppy’s food is flavorful with the presence of watermelon? You need to feed the dog in small portions 30 minutes before the main meal or a couple of hours after that. Apart from filtered water, you can give your puppy watermelon that contains both water and vitamins and minerals. Use the portion size above to determine how much to feed in one serving; aim for a serving size of 50 grams for smaller dogs and 64 grams for larger dogs. Similarly, they need someone to look after them. Yes, but with some of the precautions. The short answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon. The rinds are also not safe to eat. Watermelon seeds are big, and they will most likely end up stuck in your puppy’s throat, Eating watermelon seeds can cause constipation and intestinal blockage, which is pretty harsh for a young puppy, Your puppy can choke on watermelon seeds which is something you don’t want to happen, A great source of fiber that helps with digestion, Raw and unprocessed seeds are low in calorie and have Vitamins, The oil in seeds can help your pet get a healthy coat and protect its skin against bacteria. Can Pugs eat watermelon? Watermelon has made of 92 % water and having plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for humans. The skin of the watermelon is also very difficult to digest and can cause further blockage. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am …keep reading, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We do not provide veterinary suggestions. Besides, a growing puppy can be hard to deal with. A dog’s intestines can be blocked If they consume watermelon seeds. Speaking of fruits, not all fruits can be given to your puppy. These are the basic nutrients that should be present in your puppy’s food. As long as you feed them this fruit responsibly, there’s plenty that they can gain from eating watermelon and is definitely better than commercial dog snacks in moderation. You can make homemade food using fruit as an ingredient. For example, you can’t feed your puppy limes or berries, but you can feed it watermelon. What you should know? How to eliminate set-in dog urine smell from carpet? Some large dogs may be able to pass the seeds without problems, but smaller dogs are especially at risk for a blockage. Watermelon should not make up a large part of a dog’s diet. Today, we’re going to look at the watermelon and why it’s good for your dog. It is true that watermelon has various health advantages. Seeds could cause an intestinal blo So, feeding your puppy watermelon isn’t really that big of a deal, but you will have to be extremely careful in removing the seeds from watermelon. Fruits like watermelons and apples, while edible for dogs, should only be given to them in moderation. Dogs can eat watermelon, yet before you feed your dog this delicious organic product, there are a few things you should know.. Cherry Barb Guide – Types, Lifespan, Feeding, Tank mates. No, you can’t. Always check with a veterinarian upfront. You should still exercise caution when feeing him. This fruit is also one of the safe and healthy fruits dogs can eat. In the end, just love your puppy and play with it. Understanding the benefits and limitations of watermelon as a snack for your pet can help your canine friend enjoy watermelon just as much as you do! You can rotate with some other fruits, berries, and vegetables so your dog has a variety of flavors and textures in his diet. Just like adult dogs, you can give your puppies fruits and vegetables as long as you are following some rules, such as how much to give and at what time. However, you … Even though they are not poisonous they can cause other problems such as intestinal blockage. Watermelon is considered safe for your dog to eat because it doesn’t contain any chemicals that are known to be harmful to dogs. But before you feed your dog this tasty treat, there are some things you should know. Similar to adult dogs, do not overdo the serving of watermelons to puppies. But there are several other fruits that can help your puppy to have a healthy and tasty meal. In the right amounts and with certain precautions watermelon is a perfectly healthy and nutritious treat for your dog. You can feed your puppy approved fruits in a limited amount. Yes, watermelons are suitable for puppies, and you can train them to like the taste of watermelon at an early age. For example, you can’t feed your puppy limes or berries, but you can feed it watermelon. Watermelon rind, specifically, can cause gastrointestinal upset which is a painful experience for dogs. If adding one fruit to your puppy’s diet can make your puppy healthier, then there must be other fruits that can do the same. Watermelon is safe and non-toxic for your puppy. If your puppy likes you, it will eat anything you layout in front of it, Eat watermelon in front of it. But Can dogs eat watermelon? Furthermore, don’t buy any artificial watermelon from the store as that will most probably contain sugar and other artificial flavors you don’t know about. It’s also a source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant that may help prevent cancer. That’s normally puppies that are over six months old. Should they eat it daily? If your dog does eat the seeds or rind of a watermelon and you see the signs of an intestinal blockage, including vomiting, constipation, lethargy, and abdominal pain, get to your veterinarian right away to avoid serious complications. What you can do is crush a watermelon seed and mix it in your puppy’s food to see if it likes it because a watermelon seed contains numerous nutrients. The answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon—but with a few limits. © 2021 All rights reserved. Artificial sweeteners such as xylitol can even be toxic to dogs, so stick to plain watermelon that you prepare, yourself. Watermelons are good for puppies, and they stand to get many benefits. monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc". The most important part of your puppy’s diet is water and protein. Dogs may swallow the rind without completely chewing it, which can result in intestinal blockage. Just make sure to extract the seeds present in watermelon, so that they don’t get stuck in your puppy’s throat. That doesn’t mean that it’s safe for all dogs to eat, as some dogs may react quite badly to eating watermelon for the first time. Can dogs eat watermelon? However, puppies need to be old enough to digest solid foods (over 6 months old). Limit giving your dog only part of the fruit and skip giving your dog watermelon rinds or the seeds, especially when it comes to small dogs. Everybody loves watermelon, even dogs. So, here are a few facts explaining why you need to remove seeds before feeding watermelon to your puppy. Looking after a puppy can be very tough. The seeds can pose a problem for dogs. In its simplest form, fresh watermelon cut up into small cubes makes a healthy snack or a special reward during training, Lauten says. It is best to give your dog watermelon in moderation, especially if they haven’t eaten it before, and see how they react. Snacking on watermelon is a delicious way for your pooch to obtain extra nutrients that he needs to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. If your dog has eaten watermelon rind, he’s not necessarily in danger. Here’s what you should know about feeding watermelon to dogs. Like people, dogs can suffer from food allergies. Dogs are curious creatures that love our company. Let us know in the comments below! Fruits Dogs CAN'T Eat ❌ Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, some fruits are not as innocent as they … Speaking of fruits, not all fruits can be given to your puppy. Dogs can safely eat the flesh of a watermelon, but not the other parts of the fruit. However, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and the rinds and seeds of watermelons can cause serious health problems. It’s important to know how to serve it to your dog safely so they don’t get sick. Dogs are naturally extroverts, so it won’t take your puppy long to bond with you. Watermelon is a super healthy food low in calories and packed with nutrients. You can also freeze watermelon to make an extra refreshing summer treat, but make sure your dog’s teeth are healthy enough to chew frozen food without being damaged. They are extremely sensitive and need proper care and love. The answer is yes. Of course, before eating, you need to wash the watermelon, peel and peel it. Just make sure that you remove the seeds and rind first since these can cause some intestinal blockage. Too much sugar can lead to gastrointestinal upset in the short term and diabetes or obesity in the long term. Usually more than enough for puppies, can puppies eat watermelon it should be your choice completely flavored are not! Watermelon dog treats no clue what fruits and vegetables are good for your eats... And keep them refrigerated as well for later use puppies need to remove all the seed and you... 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